

What number is 8 percent of 10?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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Q: What number is 8 percent of 10?
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If 80 percent of a number is 8, then to discover what the number 8 is 80 percent of, divide the number by 0.8. In this instance, 8 / 0.8 = 10.

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Percentage are hundredths of something, so if you divide a number by 100 you will get one percent of that number. Since 1000/100 = 10 8 percent must then be 10*8 = 80

What is the number 8 as a percent?

The number 8, alone, cannot be expressed as a percentage. Percentage means that a number is a certain fraction of another. So, for example, 8 is 10 percent of 80, but 8 is 6 and 2/3 percent of 120, and 200 percent of 4.

What percent of 80 is 10?

To find 10 percent of a number, multiply the number by 0.1. In this instance, 0.1 x 80 = 8. Therefore, 10 percent of 80 is equal to 8.First let's consider the definition: "per cent (per 100)". If you have 1 "per cent" it means for every 100 you would get 1.Now, to calculate percent, drop the percentage sign and divide by 100. That is,10% = 10/100 = 0.1Now multiply 80 by this to get the answer, 8.

How can you compare 8 percent to 10 percent?

8 percent is less than 10 percent

8 is 80 percent of what number?

You have to write an equation for this. When you do percents, you always have to convert them to decimals. (Therefore, 80% is .80 as a decimal) .80x = 8 Divide both sides of the equation by .8 and you'll get x = 10

What is 80 as a percent?

A single number cannot be converted to percent. A fraction like 8/10 is 2 numbers and is equal to 80%. 9/12 = 75% and so on.

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if 12 = 15% 24 = 30% 10 % = 24 divided by 3 10% = 8 1% = 8 divided by 10 1 % = 0.8 35% = 35 x 0.8 35 % = 28

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8 = 2.5% 32 = 10% 320 = 100%

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Percent means "out of 100" → 10% of $8 = 10/100 × $8 = $0.80

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