

2 numbers equivalent to 10

Updated: 9/26/2023
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7y ago

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All numbers are unique so there are nu numbers which are exactly equivalent. The number 10.00 has the same numerical value but it also indicates a higher degree of accuracy.

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Q: 2 numbers equivalent to 10
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To get an equivalent expression multiply both numbers of the ratio, 45:10, by any non-zero number. You will have an equivalent ratio.

How are equivalent fractions the same and different?

The have the same numerical value but the numbers in the ratio may not be the same. For example, 1/2 and 5/10 both represent a half. That is their value but clearly, the numbers in the first (1 and 2) are different from those in the second (5 and 10).

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(10-2)-1 = 7 whole numbers

Is 1 over 10 equivalent?

It can be. 1/10 is equivalent to 2/20

Is 8 2 10?

8, 2, and 10 are all even numbers. They are all rational numbers, real numbers, and they are whole numbers. They are also all divisible by 2. 8 ÷ 2 = 4, 2 ÷ 2 = 1, and 10 ÷ 2 = 5.

How many numbers with 2 or 7 as the units digit are there between 10 and 1000?

In every 100 there are 10 numbers that have a units digit of 2 and 10 with 7, making 2 with 2 or 7. Between 0 and 1000 there are 10 hundreds, making 10 × 20 = 200 such numbers. BUT 2 and 7 are less than 10, so there are two less such numbers, making 200 - 2 = 198 such numbers.

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How about the prime numbers of: 3+7 = 10