

Best Answer

4 feet, 6 inches is equal to 54 inches or 4 ½ feet.

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Q: 4 ft 6 in. equals how many inches?
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52 in equals how many ft and how many inches?

4 feet and 4 inches.

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1 foot 4 inches, which equals 1.25 feet. 1.3 ft, 1 ft. 4 in., 1 1/3 ft

How many in equals 4 ft 3in?

4 feet 3 inches = 51 inches

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How many inches are in 8 feet and 4 inches?

8 ft 4 in is 100 inches.

4 ft equals any many inches?

Four feet is 48 inches @12 inches per foot.

How many cm equals 4 ft 9 in?

4 feet 9 inches = 144.78 centimeters

15feet 4 inches equals how many inches?

By unit of length and distance and conversion ,we can say that 1 ft=12 in 15 ft =15 *12=180 in 15 ft 4 in =184 in

How many ft are equal to 100 in?

100 inches equals 8 feet and 4 inches

How many4 ft equals in?

lets convert feet to inches .We get the relation as follows . 1 ft =12 inches . now, 4 ft =12 X 4 =48 inches .

1yard 1 ft equals how many inches?

48 inches (4 feet)

How many square feet in 26 inches 6 feet x 30 inches 4 feet?

26 in 6 ft = 98 inches. 30 in 4 ft = 78 inches. This equals 7,644 in2 - therefore the answer is 53.083 ft2