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If you want to ask questions about the "following", then I suggest that you make sure that there is something that is following.

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Q: 4 plus 5ix plus yi Which values of x and y would make the following expression represent a real number?
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To evaluate an expression is nothing but to operate the given expression according to the operators given in the expression if it is evaluable i.e, it could be convertable.

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Neither of the following are true about 1 bit, it can not represent decimal values 0 and 9 nor can it be used to represent one character in the lowercase English alphabet and one binary digit four binary. A true statement would be that 1 bit is represented by the decimal values 0 or 1.

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This expression is expressed as 12 / x where x is any number. You select a variable and then, set up the expression. Since we have a quotient of two values, you are dividing the numbers altogether.

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You can represent values using variables. This can only be done with whole numbers.

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