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Yes. That is how the median is defined.

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Q: 50 percent scores falling below median?
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Does the median have 50 percent of the cases below only in a normal distribution?

No. By definition of the median, the median has 50 percent of the case below and 50 percent of the cases above. This has nothing to do with the cases being in a normal distribution.

What Percent of data is below the mean in a normal distribution?

In the normal distribution, the mean and median coincide, and 50% of the data are below the mean.

Which descriptive statistic always divides the data set such that 50 percent of the data values lie above it and 50 percent lie below it?

The median.

In a standard normal distribution about percent of the scores fall above a z score of 300?

A Z score of 300 is an extremely large number as the z scores very rarely fall above 4 or below -4. About 0 percent of the scores fall above a z score of 300.

What is 90th percentile out of 40?

For a complete definition of Percentile see the related link. A percentile is the value of a variable below which a certain percent of observations fallThe 90th percentile is typically the point at which 10 percent of the highest scores fall.If you assume that scores are out of 40, and that they are evenly distributed (an unlikely event in real life), then the 90th percentile is all scores above 36.

Can someone with a 700 credit score and two people with scores below 505 be approved for a 100 percent mortgage?

You should leave the people with 505 scores off the loan. Find a Mortgage broker and find out if you can do 100% on a stated income loan.

How do you tell your ited scores are good?

You can't tell if your ited is good or not just by scores. It's through comparison to yourself and others. I usually get most of my scores in the 90's but others are average or below average. I was below average in 3rd and 4th grade in all my subjects except spelling and sources of information. Now i receive my lowest scores on sources of information by far. It's all about improvement and progressing. The numbers are how many (in percent) people you scored better than

How do you interpret percentile ranking when the average score is 23 percent?

To interpret percentile ranking you must know the percentage of the group. Arrange the scores from the highest to the lowest. Compute the percentage of people with scores below 23%, and compute the percentage of people with scores at 23%. Add the percentage of people with scores below the score to one half the percentage of people with scores at the score to obtain the percentile rank. e.g If there were 20 children with varying scores, and 23% was the only score obtained by a student; then one score is (1/20) of the class, or 5%. 2 children scored lower than 23%; so (2/20) of the scores is below 23. The child with 23% will receive a percentile rank of 2+(half of 5)=4.5%. Brenda

What does it mean if the standard deviation is greater than the mean?

The standard deviation and the arithmetic mean measure two different characteristics of a set of data. The standard deviation measures how spread out the data is, whereas the arithmetic mean measures where the data is centered. Because of this, there is no particular relation that must be satisfied because the standard deviation is greater than the mean.Actually, there IS a relationship between the mean and standard deviation. A high (large) standard deviation indicates a wide range of scores = a great deal of variance. Generally speaking, the greater the range of scores, the less representative the mean becomes (if we are using "mean" to indicate "normal"). For example, consider the following example:10 students are given a test that is worth 100 points. Only 1 student gets a 100, 2 students receive a zero, and the remaining 7 students get a score of 50.(Arithmetic mean) = 100 + 0(2) + 7(50) = 100 + 0 + 350 = 450/10 studentsSCORE = 45In statistics, the median refers to the value at the 50% percentile. That means that half of the scores fall below the median & the other half are above the median. Using the example above, the scores are: 0, 0, 50, 50, (50, 50), 50, 50, 50, 100. The median is the score that has the same number of occurrences above it and below it. For an odd number of scores, there is exactly one in the middle, and that would be the median. Using this example, we have an even number of scores, so the "middle 2" scores are averaged for the median value. These "middle" scores are bracketed by parenthesis in the list, and in this case are both equal to 50 (which average to 50, so the median is 50). In this case, the standard deviation of these scores is 26.9, which indicates a fairly wide "spread" of the numbers. For a "normal" distribution, most of the scores should center around the same value (in this case 50, which is also known as the "mode" - or the score that occurs most frequently) & as you move towards the extremes (very high or very low values), there should be fewer scores.

Can the mean be smaller than the median for a set of data?

Yes. If the lower values tend to be farther below the median than the highest values are above the median, the mean is smaller than the median. why are write wrong

Advantage and disadvantage of median and mode?

Advantages of Mode: The mode is the most frequent value, or number. It is simplest to find. It is often helpful to know the most common value.Disadvantages of Mode: We can have no mode sometimes. However, there frequently are ties, or almost ties, for the mode. With small data sets, the mode does not mean much. Mode doesn't give information about outliers. It is the crudes because it is limited, rest of the scores are not taken into account. Sometimes smallest numbers are the mode when there is big numbers, outliers.Mean is dividing sum of scores by number of total scores. It is most sensitive. It takes all information into account.Advantages of Mean: The mean, or average, is the measure of center most commonly used. People are comfortable with it and it is easy to compute. It is the balance point of the histogram.Disadvantagesof mean: The mean is not resistant to outliers. It is greatly influenced by the very high and very low ratings that may be much higher or lower than the values over all.•Median is the midpoint of data, or scores. t takes more information into account . It does not account for magnitude of scores. For example it doesn't give you info about an outlier. Therefore median is little crude too.Advantages of Median: The median is easy to understand. It also tells you something very specific about the values. Half of the values are about the median and half are below. Nothing so simple can be said about the mean. The median is resistant to outliers.Disadvantages of Median:The median can, however, change dramatically if the center of the data fall in two far-apart clusters and then one or two values are changed. To find the median without a calculator, the data must be ordered, which can be time-consuming. The median is not always a number in your data set.

How does gravity catch up with ash?

Just because gravity happens go to a physics class i go to harvord right now and never got below 99 percent on scores