

Best Answer

If you mean:

5 - 8 x 2 / 4 + 8

And if there are no parentesis to separate any part of the problem, then follow the simple rule you can memorize by saying:

Please Excuse My Dear Aunt Sally.

Every word starts with the letter you must remember.

P - Parenthesis

E - Exponent

M - Multiply

D - Divide

A - Add

S - Subtract

You do the in order from top to bottom until you eliminate everything and get your answer.

Since there aren't any Parenthesis or exponents, you only have to do M, D, A, S.

5 - 8 x 2 / 4 + 8 8 x 2 First

5 - 16 / 4 + 8 16 / 4 Second

5 - 4 + 8 4 + 8 Third

5 - 12 5-12 Last

The answer is -7.

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