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What they are trying to teach you:

A "mixed number" is what we call numbers that include at least one WHOLE INTEGER, AND a FRACTION.

eg: "One and a half pies" written as a mixed number is "1 1/2"

Working out:

7 pies x 8 parts per full pie = 56 pieces in total (each piece is one eighth of a whole pie)

56 total pieces - 37 pieces eaten = 19 pieces left

19 pieces = 2 whole pies and one eighth of a pie remaining (even though they have already been cut up, if there are enough pieces to make up a whole pie {in this case, eight pieces make up one whole}, then it is considered to be a whole pie).


Two full pies, plus one eighth (piece) left over. We express this as a mixed number (a full number with a fraction beside it) as 2 1/8

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