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0.016 mol

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Q: A 0.500 M solution of iodine-131 whci has a half-life of 8.0 days is prepared After 40 days how much iodine will remain in 1.0 L of solution Express the result in moles?
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How is concentrated solution prepared?

You prepare a solution by dissolving a known mass of solute (often a solid) into a specific amount of a solvent. One of the most common ways to express the concentration of the solution is M or molarity, which is moles of solute per liter of solution.

What ratio does molarity express?

Moles of solute per liter of solution.

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Another way to express the concentration of a 0.01 percent by weight glucose solution is to say it is a 100 parts per million (ppm) solution. This means there are 100 grams of glucose in every 1 million grams of solution.

What is of 25 m mol solution?

A 25 millimole (m mol) solution means there are 25 millimoles of solute in every liter of solution. It is a unit used to express the concentration of a solute in a solution.

What is the another way to express the concentration of a glucose solution that is 0.01 percent by weight?

Another way to express the concentration of a glucose solution that is 0.01 percent by weight is as 100 parts per million (ppm). This means there are 100 grams of glucose in 1 million grams of solution.

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Mark Pi's. Light years better. Food is prepared fresh when you order.

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A unit often used to express the concentration of a solution in 1 divided by 1 trillion is parts per trillion (ppt). This unit is commonly used to describe extremely low concentrations of substances in a solution.

Describe vedic paravartya sutra for solving the linear equation in 2 variables?

One linear equation in two variable cannot be solved. It is possible to express either of the two variables in terms of the other but a solution is not possible.One linear equation in two variable cannot be solved. It is possible to express either of the two variables in terms of the other but a solution is not possible.One linear equation in two variable cannot be solved. It is possible to express either of the two variables in terms of the other but a solution is not possible.One linear equation in two variable cannot be solved. It is possible to express either of the two variables in terms of the other but a solution is not possible.

How many ways are there to express the relative amounts of solute and solvent in solution?

- molarity- molality-percentage composition

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The domain affects the way we express solutions to problems. A language that closely reflects the problem domain makes it much easier to express the solution.

How can you express the solution in percent by volume?

Per cent by volume means mls of solute per 100 mls solution. So you need to know the volume of the solute and the total volume of the solution. Divide volume of solute by volume of solution and multiply by 100 to get per cent by volume.

What do chemists use the to express the concentration of hydrogen ions in a solution?

[H+]aq square brackets [ ] represent concentration the letter H represents the atomic symbol for hydrogen. the symbol + represents the charge which is associated with the hydrogen. aq represents aqueous which means solution.