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The easy answer to this question is to recognize that some of the potential energy will be lost to work against friction and this loss is simply the force of friction multiplied by the length of the ramp which is 6N. The previous answers I submitted are incorrect.

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2mo ago

The potential energy lost by the object as it slides down the slide can be calculated using the formula: Potential energy lost = mgh Where: m = mass of the object = 3.6 kg g = acceleration due to gravity = 9.8 m/s^2 h = vertical height the object slides down = 2 m * sin(60 degrees) ≈ 1.73 m

So, potential energy lost = 3.6 kg * 9.8 m/s^2 * 1.73 m ≈ 61.3 Joules

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Q: A 3.6kg object slides down a a 2 meters long slide inclined at 60 degrees to the horizontal A friction force of 3Newtons acts along the way and gravity is 9.8 calculate potential energy lost?
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What are the horizontal friction coefficient calculations?

The horizontal friction coefficient can be calculated using the formula: μ = F_h / N, where μ is the friction coefficient, F_h is the horizontal friction force, and N is the normal force acting on the object. The horizontal friction force can be calculated as F_h = μ* N, where N is the normal force and μ is the friction coefficient.

Horizontal force required to pull 75 kg block?

To pull a 75 kg block horizontally, you need to overcome the force of static friction between the block and the surface it's on. The force required would depend on the coefficient of static friction between the block and the surface. You can calculate it using the formula: Force of friction = coefficient of static friction × normal force.

What is Friction on horizontal surface?

Friction on a horizontal surface is the force that resists the motion of an object sliding or moving along that surface. It arises due to the contact between the surfaces of the object and the surface it is sliding on. The amount of friction depends on factors such as the nature of the surfaces and the normal force pressing them together.

Does friction causes mechanical energy to be transformed into potential energy?

Friction does not necessarily cause mechanical energy to be transformed into potential energy. Friction typically results in the conversion of mechanical energy into thermal energy, leading to an increase in temperature in the objects experiencing friction. Potential energy is associated with the position of an object in a gravitational field or an elastic material, and it is not directly influenced by friction.

How does the coefficient of kinetic friction vary with the the area of contact between the block and he horizontal?

The coefficient of kinetic friction remains constant regardless of the area of contact between the block and the horizontal surface. It is a property of the materials in contact and does not depend on the surface area.

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What are the horizontal friction coefficient calculations?

The horizontal friction coefficient can be calculated using the formula: μ = F_h / N, where μ is the friction coefficient, F_h is the horizontal friction force, and N is the normal force acting on the object. The horizontal friction force can be calculated as F_h = μ* N, where N is the normal force and μ is the friction coefficient.

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The coefficient of kinetic friction can be calculated using the formula: coefficient of kinetic friction = force of kinetic friction / normal force. The force of kinetic friction can be found using the formula: force of kinetic friction = coefficient of kinetic friction * normal force. Given the force of 31N and normal force equal to the weight of the crate (mg), you can calculate the coefficient of kinetic friction.

Horizontal force required to pull 75 kg block?

To pull a 75 kg block horizontally, you need to overcome the force of static friction between the block and the surface it's on. The force required would depend on the coefficient of static friction between the block and the surface. You can calculate it using the formula: Force of friction = coefficient of static friction × normal force.

What is the amount of horizontal force required to start in motion an object sitting on a horizontal surface must be great than what?

The amount of horizontal force required to start in motion an object sitting on a horizontal surface must be greater than the force of static friction acting on the object. This is because the force of static friction opposes the applied force until the object starts moving.

What is Friction on horizontal surface?

Friction on a horizontal surface is the force that resists the motion of an object sliding or moving along that surface. It arises due to the contact between the surfaces of the object and the surface it is sliding on. The amount of friction depends on factors such as the nature of the surfaces and the normal force pressing them together.

What horizontal force P is required to drag a sack of rice weighing 110 pounds. in a horizontal floor if the coefficient of friction between the floor on the sack of rice is 0.25?

The force of friction acting on the sack of rice is the product of the coefficient of friction and the normal force, which in this case is the weight of the sack (110 pounds). Therefore, the force of friction is 0.25 * 110 = 27.5 pounds. The horizontal force required to overcome this friction and drag the sack of rice is equal to the force of friction, so a force of 27.5 pounds (P = 27.5 pounds) is required.

Does friction causes mechanical energy to be transformed into potential energy?

Friction does not necessarily cause mechanical energy to be transformed into potential energy. Friction typically results in the conversion of mechanical energy into thermal energy, leading to an increase in temperature in the objects experiencing friction. Potential energy is associated with the position of an object in a gravitational field or an elastic material, and it is not directly influenced by friction.

How does the coefficient of kinetic friction vary with the the area of contact between the block and he horizontal?

The coefficient of kinetic friction remains constant regardless of the area of contact between the block and the horizontal surface. It is a property of the materials in contact and does not depend on the surface area.

In the absence of air friction does the horizontal component of a projectile?

The horizontal component of a projectile's velocity remains constant in the absence of air friction. This means the projectile will continue to move horizontally at a constant speed unless acted upon by an external force.

How can an object accelerate if kinetic friction is equal and opposite to horizontal force which would mean it has a net force of zero?

It wouldn't accelerate. It would move at a constant velocity due to its tendency to keep moving (inertia) and friction being canceled out by the horizontal force.

What force causes the horizontal motion?

The force that causes horizontal motion is typically friction generated between the object and the surface it is moving on. Additionally, propulsion forces such as from engines or a person pushing can also contribute to horizontal motion.