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6 Is how many different combinations there are

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Q: A bin contains 3 red balls 2 green balls and 1 blue ball two balls are randomly chosen from a bin how many different color combinations are possible?
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If the letters of computer are randomly arranged in all possible ways what is the probability the word begins by a vowel?

If the letters of computer are randomly arranged in all possible ways, the probability the word begins with a vowel in five out of 26, or 0.1923. You do not need to consider any other letters, or any permutations or combinations, because you only asked about the first letter.

A IRS auditor randomly selects 3 tax returns from 45 of which 15 contains errors What is the probability that she selects none of those containing errors?


How do you spell randomly?

That is the correct spelling of the word "randomly" (by chance).

Create a password of 2 characters and randomly select a letter of the alphabet for the first and a digit from 0 through 9 for the second character What is ithe probabilty that the password is K9?

Numeric answerThe chances of choosing a 'K' for the first character is 1/26 (one chance out of twenty-six letters). The chances of choosing a '9' for the second character is 1/10 (one chance out of ten digits).To get the probability of both events happening at once, multiply the two individual chances:1/26 * 1/10 = 1/260Another way to think about it...We know that out of all possible combinations of letters and numbers, there is only one way to form the password "K9" This means that if we figure out the number of possible combinations, we will know the chances of randomly picking any one combination.We have 26 possible choices for the first digit. This is easy to know, since there are 26 letters in the alphabet. Now we just need to combine them with all possibilities for the second digit.So if we pick a 0 for the second digit, that gives us 26 possible choices...Now if we pick a 1 for the second digit, that gives us another 26 possible choices, for 52 total...If you keep going along these lines, you see that there are 26 total possibilities for each possible second digit. Since there are 10 different digits, we can figure that there are 10 * 26, or 260, total possibilities.So for each combination of two characters (including "K9"), you have 1 chance out of 260 possibilities to pick it.

A bag contains 3 red balls and 4 green balls randomly draw one ball then replace it and randomly draw a second what is the percentage?

Drawing one red ball out of a bag that contains 3 red balls and 4 green balls is 3 in 7. If we are to randomly select one ball out of the bag and replace it (I assume with the same ball) then there are still 3 red balls and 4 green balls. The odds are still 3 in 7. It doesn't matter how many times you draw. Every time you draw a ball you have a 3 in 7 chance of pulling out a red ball.

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If the letters of computer are randomly arranged in all possible ways what is the probability the word begins by a vowel?

If the letters of computer are randomly arranged in all possible ways, the probability the word begins with a vowel in five out of 26, or 0.1923. You do not need to consider any other letters, or any permutations or combinations, because you only asked about the first letter.

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yes, but its most lkely you would be infamous.

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