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The question asks to do nothing by converting a decimal into itself. Perhaps the question was mistyped. Please restate the question.

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Q: A c program to convert decimal number to decimal number?
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How is this a question? Sounds like you should do more of your homework offline.

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sprintf (to, "%d", value)

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very simple way yr:int main(){int o;printf("\n Enter an octal number:");scanf("%o",&o);printf("The required decimal number is %d",o);getch();}

C program to convert decimal number into binary number?

#include<stdio.h> main() { int d,a; printf("enter the number"); scanf("%d",&a); do { d=a%2; } while(a=0); printf("binary=%d",&d); }

How do you convert from program C?

Your question is inco

Write a program in C to convert a binary number to its decimal equivalent?

#include#includemain(){int i,j=0,k;printf("enter u r binary number");scanf("%d",&i);while(i>0){k=i/10; // reminderi=i%10;// for dividentj=j+(k*pow(2,k));conversion function}printf("decimal number is :%d",j);}

C plus plus program that convert decimal to binary using the concept of stack?

#include<stdio.h> #include<stdlib.h> main() { int number,binary[10000],b=0; printf("Enter decimal number "); scanf("%d",&number); printf("\nBinary: "); for(;number;number/=2,b++) binary[b]=number%2; for(b--;b>-1;b--) printf("%d ",binary[b]); }

How do you convert hexadecimal number FC to Decimal?

FC(16) = value_of(F)*16 + value_of(C) = 15*16+12 = 252

What is the C program to convert a decimal number to hexadecimal number?

To input a decimal number and display in hex, something like: char buffer[99]; fgets(buffer, 98, stdin); printf("%x", aoti(buffer)); would be the required core code. Needless to say, there is no error checking, mug trapping, etc. Or if you require the hex in a char[], then replace "printf(" by "sprintf(pointer_to_bufffer,"