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Q: A channel at the edge of a street or road for carrying off surface water?
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How do you spell Oqwaduck?

The word with that pronunciation is aqueduct (water channel, or a bridge carrying water).

What is meant by carrying capacity of a river?

the volume of water in a river channel

What is a channel for carrying water from one place to another and not a canal starts with an A?


What is a man made stone channel for carrying water over a great distance?

an aqueduct

How can moving water change the earthe surface?

by wearing away small pieces of land and carrying them to new places

What is a body of water which travels through a channel in the earth's surface?

The thermohaline current, the Gulf Stream, the English channel, a river or stream.

What is water sewage?

A drainage system for carrying surface water and sewage for disposal.

Along straight stretches of a stream channel the highest velocities of water are found in what area?

near the water surface in the center of the stream

How can water change earth?

Water changes the earths surface by it running across the land and picking it up and carrying away. The faster the water the more erosion. Erosion is the picking up and carrying away of rock material.

What are Qanats?

A qanāt is a gently sloping underground channel to transport water from an aquifer or water well to the surface for irrigation and drinking.

Why do florist cut stems at an angle?

so that there is more surface and thus more water-carrying tubes, so water can travel faster.

Is guter a word?

if you mean gutter - it is a channel at the side of a road to carry away surface water