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Q: A diver shines light up to the surface of a smooth pond at a 10 degree angle some light passes into the air above and the part that reflects back into the water makes an angle of how many degrees?
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Indiana extends from (just south of) 38 degrees north to (just south of) 42 degrees north. The full degree latitude closest to the midpoint is 40 degrees north.

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The moon only apears to shine because it reflects sunlight from its surface. During a solar eclipse the moon passes between the Sun and the Earth so the sunlight reflects off the surface of the moon which is not visible from Earth.

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Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, and Paraguay are the four South American countries through which the 20 degree south line of latitude passes. The 20 degree south line of latitude is 20 degrees south of the equator. It's called the 20th parallel south.One, it passes through Chile at 20 degrees South latitude and 70 degrees 7 minutes West longitude.Two, it passes through Boliva twice, at 20 degrees South latitude and 68 degrees 33 minutes West longitude; and at 20 degrees South latitude and 58 degrees 10 minuts West longitude.Three, it passes through Paraguay at 20 degrees South latitude and 61 degrees 53 minutes West longitude.Four, it passes through Brazil at 20 degrees South latitude and 57 degrees 52 minutes West longitude.

Is Ecuador located near 0 degrees latitude?

Yes. In fact, the 0 degree latitude line, or the equator, passes through Ecuador.

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Light can be reflected, refracted, or absorbed. Reflection occurs when light bounces off a surface, like a mirror. Refraction is when light changes direction as it passes from one medium to another, like when light passes through a prism. Absorption happens when light is taken in by a material rather than passing through it.

What line of latitude passes through SOUTH AFRICA?

The lines that pass through the USA are 30 and 40 degree lines

What continents does the 20 degrees S line of latitude pass through?

The parallel of 20° north latitude crosses North America, Africa, and Asia.The parallel of 20° south latitude crosses South America, Africa, and Australia.

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It is the "Prime Meridian" or the "0 degree Meridian" which is the basis for calculating time in most of the world.

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When a ray of light passes through the center of curvature of a concave mirror, it reflects back along the same path because the angle of incidence is equal to the angle of reflection. This is a property of mirrors where the reflected ray follows the law of reflection, resulting in the ray retracing its original path.

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It moves 0.1 degrees per second. There are 360 degrees in a full circle - so, every minute that passes, the hand moves six degrees. Thus, every second, the hand moves one tenth of a degree (6 degrees divided by 60).

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The line of longitude that passes through the middle of India is 82.5 degrees east longitude. It roughly divides the country into eastern and western regions.

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15 degrees north latitude passes through the continent of Africa.