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Q: A flagpole stands 30 feet above the ground. The base of the flagpole reaches 10 feet into the ground. What is the vertical distance between the highest and lowest points of the flag pole?
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What is the vertical distance between the highest and lowest point of a wave?

It is entirely dependent on the size of the wave !! Crest and trough

What is the vertical distance from the crest of a wave to the trough?

Vertical distance from a wave's highest point to it's lowest point is called the amplitude of a wave.

Which is the highest flagpole in the world?

The Dushanbe Flagpole is a flagpole located in front of the Palace of Nations in Dushanbe, Tajikistan. It is the tallest free-standing flagpole in the world.

What the highest mountain in the world plus vertical distance?

Hawaii as it is a mountain in itself.

What is an object's height a measure of?

An object's height is the measure of the distance between its lowest point and its highest point expressed in linear units.

What is the vertical distance between the trough and crest of a wave called?

The vertical distance between trough and crest is called the height of the wave. While the crest is the highest point of a wave, the trough is the lowest point.Are you talking about waves? That simply depends on the frequency of the wave; crest and trough are just terms given to sections of waves. The crest is the top of the wave, and the trough is the bottom.It's the amplitude. Like on the drawn parts of a transverse wave. You can look it up on google images.wave hight

How tall is the highest flagpole?

541 feet and 165m in Tajikistan

What is the highest mountain on Earth if you define the mountains height as the vertical distance between the peak and the surrounding landscape?

It is Nanga Parbat in Pakistan. Check out the link below for more info.

What is Local Relief?

The vertical difference in elevation between the highest and lowest points of a land surface within a specified horizontal distance or in a limited area. Also known as relative relief.

The distance between the lowest and highest tones a voice or instrument can produce is called?

The distance between the lowest and highest tones a voice or instrument can produce is called "range."

What is the term for the distance from the highest part of one wave to the highest part of the next wave?

Wavelength is the distance between two consecutive wave crests.

What is the name of the distance between the highest point of the wave and the lowest is?

The wavelength is the horizontal distance between the crests or troughs of two successive waves.