the answer is soni.
6.1 - Six - S 2.3 - twO - O 1.2 - oNe - N 5.2 - fIve - I Answer: SONI
her =/ havent really talked to the girl about it.. dont want to seem pushy.. what should i do i am head over heals over this girl but will have a hard time moving on, help!!
her name is SONI. Write all the digits before the decimal in words,now check the letter position which is after the decimal,for Eg: 6.1, SIX the letter at position one is S2.3 TWO letter at 3rd position is O,1.2 ONE letter at 2nd position is N and finally 5.2 FIVE letter at 2nd position is I.SONI is her name.
The answer lies in the mobile messaging ( not the full qwerty layout) 7.3: R - NUmber 7 third letter 4.3: I - Number 4 third letter 9.3: Y - number 9 third letter 2.1: A - Number 2 first letter I.e RIYA
Yeah she has!.. i was on youtube and twitter and both times she replyed and she is real fantastic! she isn't a diva! shes just a simple complete sweet girl!
she's fat those are pant sizes. It also could be a code you decipher it.