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Because marble sinks in water.

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Q: A marble was drooped into a glass of waterhow do you know the marble is more dense than water?
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Can marble scrap glass?

Marble, CaCO3 will not usually scratch glass, but maybe a very soft glass. Marble has a hardness of 3 to 4, whereas glass is 4.5 to 6. (in a relative hardness scale.)

Are glass dense?

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What happens if you put a marble in a half glass of water?

The marble will sink.

What is the chemical makeup of a glass marble?

Th material can be very differernt: glass, porcelain, agate, steel, marble, etc.

Is marble an conductor of electricity?

Glass and glass marbles are an insulator unless their is some conducting material embedded in the glass.

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What is less dense glass or water?

Generally, glass is more dense than water. (There are some types of glass which are less dense.) You can demonstrate this by gently placing a glass full of water in the sink or tub; the glass will sink, indicating that glass is more dense than water. If the glass were to float, we would know that the glass were less dense. Try this with plastic cup; the plastic is normally less dense, and will float.

If you drop a marble into a glass of water the marble will sink because its?

Because the marble has a higher density than the water does

What is the mass of a marble in kilograms?

What size marble? And is it made of marble or glass?

Does a magnet attracts glass marble?

A marble with a magnetic

Which force pulls the marble to the bottom of the glass?

The Earth's gravitational force pulls the marble to the bottom of the glass. It is the same force that keeps our feet firmly on the ground.