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Q: A measuring tape is generally a more precise tool for measuring length than having a person step off the distance?
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What is the measuring tape for in pole vaulting?

The measuring tape on the side of the runway is for measuring the approach of a vaulter. Having a precise start spot and rythm is key to the success of the athlete.

Why do scientist use the metric system?

It is a more precise way of measuring

What is the anthropometric height of a girl?

I think you might need to provide a bit more information. Generally, I would interpret your question to mean "what is standing height?" Standing height is generally measured by having the person stand barefoot and measuring the distance between the floor and the top of the person's head.

Is a teaspoon customary or metric?

It equals 15 mils. But if you are measuring a dry ingredient by tablespoons it is not possible to give a 'weight' you should use, since that will vary according to what you are measuring (since a tablespoon is a measure of volume and grams is a measure of weight). For example a tablespoon of sugar will weigh less than a tablespoon of lead will.

Why Joseph Huddard made the protractor?

Joseph Huddart invented the protractor as a tool for measuring angles accurately in navigation and cartography. He believed that having a precise instrument for measuring angles would improve the accuracy of map-making and help navigators plot their courses more effectively. The protractor soon became a standard tool in these fields due to its simplicity and reliability.

If you know that the prefix chrono- means having to do with time what can you infer that a chronometer is?

A chronometer is a device used to accurately measure time intervals, such as a stopwatch or a clock. It is designed to provide precise timekeeping in various applications including navigation, scientific experiments, and sports.

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What is the newton for measuring?

generally newton measure all type of forces. and we can say newton is unit for all physical quanyity having dimensional farmulae M POWER 0 L POWER 0 T POWER -2

Why 20 degree centigrade is written on measuring cylinder?

The temperature of 20 degrees Celsius is typically written on a measuring cylinder to provide a reference point for conducting experiments or measurements at that specific temperature. This helps ensure standardization and accuracy in the results obtained.

What is the reason for having metal cap on the ends of the meterstick?

The metal caps at the ends of a meterstick help protect the ends from wear and tear, ensuring that the measuring tool remains accurate and durable over time. Additionally, they provide a solid reference point for making precise measurements and help to prevent the ends from chipping or splintering.

What is mr dussels personality?

Mr. Dussel in "The Diary of Anne Frank" is described as having a practical, precise, and nagging personality. He is generally irritable and critical, often clashing with the others in the annex due to his behavior and habits.

Which distance measurement is the most precise 124 meters 26.3 miles 30 centimeters or 92.56 kilometers?

In terms of accuracy of digits: 124 has 3 significant figures 26.3 has 3 significant figures 30 has 1 (or 2) significant figure(s)* 92.56 has 4 significant figures Thus 92.56 km is the most precise (having the most significant digits). In terms of the distance measured: 124 m is accurate to ± 50 cm 26.3 miles is accurate to (approx) ± 8047 cm 30 cm is accurate to ± 5 cm or ± 0.5 cm* 92.56 km is accurate to ± 500 cm Thus 30 cm is the most precise (having the least range of distances that round to it) * Depends if it has been rounded to the nearest 10 (30 ± 5) or 1 (30 ± 0.5)