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Q: A number is 50 when rounded off to the nearest ten what could the original number be?
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How do you do this question A number is 50 when rounded off to the nearest ten what could the original number be?

the original number could have been anything from 45 to 54

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75.36 rounded to the nearest tenth millimetre could be 75360.0 if the original value was 75.36 metres, or the answer could be 0.0 if the original value was 75.36 nanometres. Units DO matter!

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849,999 would be the larges number you could round to 800,000 - rounding to the nearest 100,000

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You could be 1555

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The critical bit of information: the number after "nearest" is missing from the question.

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I am realising that the question can be asking two things. Q1) what is 720 rounded to the nearest 10? A1) 720, as 720 is divisible by 10 Q2) A number has been rounded to the nearest 10, and the answer is 720, but what was the original number? A2) the number could have been any number between 715 and 724.99999.... hope it helps

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It could be any number whatsoever.

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What is the greatest whole number that rounds 50 000?

Rounded to the nearest 10: 50 004 Rounded to the nearest 100: 50 049 Rounded to the nearest 1000: 50 499 Rounded to the nearest 10,000: 54 999