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The frame is 14 cm wide

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Q: A picture frame is 14 centimeters by 18 centimeters there are 192 centimeters squared of picture showing. find the width of the frame?
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A picture frame is 20cm x 16cm There is 192cm squared of picture showing Find the width of the frame?

you divided and you are .

A picture frame is 14 cm by 18 cm There are of picture showing Find the width of the frame?

The frame is 1 cm wide.

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3 cm

What are objects shaped like a right angle?

the answer is: television, seat of a chair, a door, a picture frame that's squared, a mirror when squared, notebook paper/binder paper, or a computer.

How many centimeters of framing is needed to frame a picture that is 48 centimeters by 65 centimeters?

If you use mitred joints, then you will need [226 + 8*sqrt(w)] where w is the width of the moulding used for the frames. With a plain frame which is simply abutted, you will need (226 + 4w) cm.

How do you know what size frame to use for a photo?

Normally with photo frames the size refers to the size of the picture opening and not the exterior dimensions of the frame. In the United States, picture frame sizes are always measured in inches. In most other parts of the world they are measured in centimeters.

How do you attach the backing of a picture frame to the frame?

On the back of picture frame backings are hooks. when you get everything in the picture frame you just take your finger and move the hook under the frame.

If a picture frame is 8 centimeters by 6 centimeters can it be reduced to 6 centimeters by 4 centimeters without distorting the shape?

No. the ratio of length to width must remain the same. In the original, the ratio is 4/3, but in the second, the ratio is 3/2, so it doesn't work.

What is the Tagalog of picture frame?

The Tagalog word for picture frame is "larawang-kuwadro."

What are the nouns in the sentence the picture on the wall did not have the right frame?

Picture, Wall, Frame.

What metric system is used to measure a picture frame?

What meter is used for a picture frame

Picture is to frame as cream is to?

Pitcher. The frame contains the picture as the pitcher contains the cream.