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Q: A plane figure bounded by more than 4 sides is known as a?
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A closed plane figure bounded by straight sides?


Is a polygon a closed plane figure bounded by straight sides?


What features that can be represented as a polygon?

A closed plane figure which is bounded by straight sides.

What is the definition of dodecagon?

A dodecagon is a plane (2-dimensional) figure which is bounded by 12 straight lines.

What is a shape with 12 or plus sides?

There is no specific name for "12 or more" sides. A 12 sided plane figure is a dodecagon. More generally, a plane figure bounded by 3 or more sides is a polygon.

What does dodecagon mean?

It means a plane geometric shape bounded by 12 straight lines.

What is the definition of polygons?

A Polygon is a closed plane figure bounded by straight sides.Polygons is a plane figure with more than 3 straight sides and angles and are typically 5 or more.

Which figures are polygons?

A polygon is any closed plane figure bounded by three or more straight sides.

Schematic diagram of quadrilateral with definition?

A quadrilateral is a plane figure bounded with four sides and consisting of four angles.

What is the meaning of equilateral polygon?

A polygon is a plane figure bounded by straight sides. An equilateral polygon is one in which all the sides are of the same length.

What is the difference between a polygon and a plane figure?

A polygon is a plane figure which comprises one area bounded by three or more straight line segments. A general plane figure can have curved boundaries or sides that cross each other.

What are the characteristics of quadrilaterals?

1. has at least 3 straight sides 2.closed figure 3. forgot the third one