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it's 16p.

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Q: A pound is 16 ounces. Which expression gives the number of ounces in p pounds 16 p or 16p?
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How do you convert oz into tons?

Multiply the number of ounces in a pound (16) by the number of pounds in a ton (2000). That gives you the number of ounces in a ton.

What is the sum of 7 pounds 11 ounces and 8 pounds 10 ounces?

There are 16 ounces in one pound. Therefore, 2.5 pounds is equal to 2.5 x 16 = 40 ounces. Subtracting 6 ounces from this gives 40 - 6 = 34 ounces.

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Since there are 16 ounces in a pound, you would multiply the number of pounds by 16. So in this case, you would multiply 16 x 7, which gives you 112 ounces.

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There are 16 ounces to a pound. That gives you a conversion of 17.44 ounces.

How do people know that 32 ounces are equal to 2 pounds?

16 ounces are equal to 1 pound by definition. Dividing 32 ounces up into blocks of 16 ounces gives 32 ÷ 16 = 2 blocks of 16 ounces. But each 16 ounces is 1 pound, thus 32 ounces is 2 blocks of 16 ounces which are 2 blocks of 1 pound each which is the same as 2 pounds.

If weighed 4.23 pounds what is this in pounds and ounces?

(pounds x 0.453 = kg). So, 2.4 x 0.453 = 1.0872 kgTo be pedantic, the factor is 0.45359237, which rounds to 0.454. Using that multiplier gives 2.4 lbs = 1.089 kg. In either case, it is 1.09 kg.

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The question gives an expression, not an equation. An expression cannot have a solution.

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Do you mean common table salt? Are we talking U.S gallons? If this is not your question, please clarify and resubmit. 1 U.S. gallon of water weighs 8.32487 pounds, or 133.198 ounces. Table salt (in crystal form, as in your salt shaker) has a specific gravity of 1.154, which gives about 154 ounces.

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It's a bit hard to understand your question; I assume you mean a quarter of the difference between a number and 7. Let's call that number x, then the algebraic expression is 1/4 |x - 7| Where the | symbols represent the absolute value or modulus of the expression between them, which always gives you a positive number. Imagine the 1/4 is written with the 1 over 4 like it would usually be. For x = 3, you get 1. Otherwise if you want to allow negatives, you can say 1/4 (x - 7) which for x = 3 gives you -1.

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a - b