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This math problem is based on the story of the tortoise and the hare, which ends with the slow-and-steady tortoise beating the overconfident hair in the race.

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Q: A rabbit and a turtle were to start a race at the same place The rabbit was feeling very confident and slept for 8 hours before starting The turtle ran at a pace of 1 mile per hour and the rabbit r?
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How do you make a rabbit confident?

Give it a carrot. [Or give it anything that is a vegtable.]

What is a palpation in a rabbit?

Palpation is the act of feeling the doe rabbit's abdomen to determine if she is pregnant or not.

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yes you have to dry the parsley before the rabbit eats it.

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Before you spay your rabbit, you should know how: much the spay will cost, it will make your bunny not give birth anymore, it will make your rabbit live longer, and it will make your rabbit be HAPPY!

Why is your newly mothered rabbit starting to pull her fur out again?

she is pregnant

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First, there should be a rabbit, hidden somewhere, and the magician pulls out a rabbit that was there (somewhere) hidden before the magic show.

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What happens if the rabbits try to breed before before they are 5 months old?

well rite now i hav a female rabbit and a male rabbit and mi female rabbit is pregnant and she just turned 5 months old

Was peter rabbit a book before a film?

yes it was

How long before a rabbit dies of Tomato stems?

If you don't want your rabbit to die of it, don't give the stem to them.

Will rabbit cry when feeling sad?

I'm not sure but what i do know is that rabbit have feeling and a very sore bite! I have a two pet rabbits called cookie and fudge and three tanks of fish ! I also have a pet onion who is gorge xx So the obs aswer to your question is that yes onions can and will rule the world!