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A hemisphere which is half of a sphere

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Q: A rounded shape somewhat like half of a ball?
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What is a rounded shape somewhat like a half ball?

A hemisphere.

What does half a sphere mean?

Half a sphere is a hemisphere or the shape of a ball cut in half.

Suppose a rounded ball is cut into two equal pieces then what would be the formula to find the area of one-half piece of this ball?

Surface area of a sphere (a rounded ball) = 4*pi*radius2 Surface area of half a sphere = 2*pi*radius2

Is a hemisphere a half of Earth?

Yes, it can be when the globe is split at either the Equator or the Prime Meridian; but a hemisphere is technically a three-dimensional shape that is half of a sphere (ball shape).

What shape has 1 circular face and 1 face which is half of a sphere?

A discected sphere? Like a golf ball cut in half.

What is a shape of a convex mirror?

Imagine if you cut a mirror shaped like a ball in half. The inside half is the concave mirror, and the outside half is a convex mirror.

How do you make vampire teeth out of cotton balls?

First gather your supplies which is a cotton ball, water, and scissors. Then cut the cotton ball in half , after drown the cotton ball halves in water, next squeeze out most of the water, then shape a half to one of your eye teeth (pointy ones) finally shape the other half to your other eye tooth. Now for the new vampire, YOU!

What is 9 and one half rounded to the nearest half?

Nine and one half rounded to the nearest half is nine and one half.

What is 0.56 rounded to the nearest half?

0.56 rounded to 0.50 = one half

What is the nearest half of one half rounded to?

A half.

What things are shaped like a hemisphere?

'hemi' means 'half' and 'sphere' means 'round ball', so, a hemisphere would be a shape like half a coconut, eggshell, or anything else that is shaped like half a round ball. On a globe of earth, we have northern, southern, eastern and western hemispheres.

What is 1.85 rounded to the nearest half dollar?

$1.85 rounded to the nearest half dollar is $2.00.