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166 deg.

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Q: A supplementary angle to a 14 degree angle has a measure of?
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What is the supplement of a 14 degree angle?

A pair of supplementary angles add up to 180 degrees. Therefore, the supplement to a 14 degree angle is equal to 180 - 14 = 166 degrees.

An angle measures 152 and deg less than the measure of a supplementary angle. What is the measure of each angle?

The first angle is 166 deg and the second is 14 deg.

Complementary angle to a 14 degree angle measure of?

86 degrees.

What is the angle supplementary to the angle measuring 165 degree 12'?

Since the sum of measures of the two supplementary angles is 180⁰, we have:180⁰ - 165⁰12' = 179⁰60' - 165⁰12' = (179 - 165)⁰(60 - 12)' = 14⁰48'

A complementary angle to a 14 angle has a measure of?


A 14 degree angle and a 33 degree angle are combined to create a larger angle How many degrees is the larger angle?


What is the complement of a 14 degree angle?


What is the degree of angle b if it is twice the size of angle of a?


What is the supplement of an 11 degrees angle?

Supplementary angles always total 180o, so 169o.

What complementary angle to a 14 degrees angle has a measure of?

76 degrees

What is the measure of one interior angle on a regular polygon with an interior angle sum of 2160 degrees?

It will have 14 sides and each interior angle will measure 2160/14 degrees

What is the degree measurement if a circle is divided into 14 equal parts?

A circle is 360 degrees, so 360/14 gives the measure of the angle of the 14 equal parts (which would be wedges). So, quick answer: about 25.7 degrees