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Q: A towel set out in the sun to dry is an example of?
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Towel dosent work for you or the sun.

When a wet towel is left in the sun what is the process that dries it?

When a wet towel is left in the sun it eventually becomes dry, it is dried through the process of evaporation.

When a wet towel is left in the sun it eventually becomes dry. It dries through the process of?

When a wet towel is left in the sun it eventually becomes dry, it is dried through the process of evaporation.

Why do wet clothes dry?

The sun evaporates the water Wait for it to dry or wrap it in a towel and squeeze or hang it up outside for it to dry.

When a wet towel is left in the sun it eventually becomes dry it is dries through the process of?

The wet towel gets dry by the process of evaporation. Wet clothes hung outside on aclothesline dry by evaporation.

When a wet towel is left in the sun it eventually becomes dry. it is dried through the process of?

evaporation as a result of the sun;s heat

When a wet towel is left in the sun it eventually becomes dry . it is dried through the process of?

evaporation: apex

When a wet towel is left in the sun it eventually becomes dry .it is dried through the process of?

evaporation: apex

When a wet towel is left in the sun it eventually become dry. it is dried through the process of?

evaporation: apex

How fast can you dry a towel under the sun?

This depends on the type of towel and the weather conditions, of course. However one reference from Beau Geis (French Foreign legion in the Sahara) mentions that a handkerchief one soldier used to mop his sweaty face was left on a basalt outcropping under the noon-day sun, was dry and hard in only three minutes.

How did Indians tan hides?

they set them out in the sun to dry untill they were golden brown

What keeps things colder-plastic wrap or aluminum foil for a science project?

A wet towel will keep drinks cooler. This happens because the sun or whatever heat source will try to dry the water from the towel. This requires heat energy, and is drawn from the towel resulting in a colder temperature in the towel itself.