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Q: A wave frequency of 10 hertz would correspond to a period of how many seconds?
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A wave frequency of 10 Hertz would correspond to a period of?

since the period is the reciprocal of frequency, the period is 1/10 seconds.

What is the period of a wave that has a frequency of 16.1 hertz?

The reciprocal of the frequency. Since hertz basically means "1 / seconds", this reciprocal is in seconds.

What is the frequency of a sine wave period of 0.1 seconds?

The frequency is the reciprocal of the period. In other words, divide 1 by the period. If the period is in seconds, the frequency is in hertz.

If a structure has a natural frequency of 1.2 hertz what is period in seconds?

Time period = 1 / frequency. Frequency = 1 / time period. Period T = 1 / 1.2 = 0.8333333 seconds.

What A wave has a frequency of 250 hertz What is the period of the wave?

0.004 seconds

How do you calculate the period of a wave of frequency 75 Hz?

The period is the reciprocal of the frequency, in other words, one divide by the frequency. If the frequency is in Hertz, the period is in seconds.

What formula is the frequency?

The formula of frequency is: f=1/T where: - T is period, in seconds - f is frequency, in hertz

What is the frequency of a wave if its period is 0.75 seconds?

The frequency is the reciprocal of the period. In other words, in this case you need to divide 1 / 0.75 seconds. The answer will be in hertz (Hz).

What is the frequency of a wave that has a period of 40 seconds?

1/40 = 0.025 Hertz

How are wave frequency and the period related?

They are inverses. Seconds and Hertz are inverse units.

What is the frequency of a wave with a period of 8 seconds?

Time period = 1 / frequency. Frequency = 1 / time period. f = 1 / 8 = 0.125 Hz

How many hertz are in the sun?

Frequency, in Hertz is the inverse of Period. Given that our sun poofs and puffs once every 11 years, we can state that frequency is the inverse of that Period. You are welcome to figure out how many seconds there are in this period -- and from there arrive at the frequency you seek.