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Scales are intended to measure some downward force acting on the scale, which is the weight of the object placed on the scale to be weighed, but it is also true that the downward force is necessarily balanced by an equal and opposite upward force, otherwise the scale would be forced downward (which would be very awkward since it would break through the floor and create quite a mess).

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Q: A weight reading on a scale shows the upward force exerted by the scale?
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The upward force exerted by fluids is called buoyancy. It is dependent on the weight of the object in question.

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The force is exactly equal to your weight.

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The upward force exerted on an object in a fluid is buoyancy.

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The upward force exerted on an object in a fluid is buoyancy.

What does buyoncy mean?

upward acting force exerted by a fluid , that opposes an object's weight

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Buoyancy is an upward thrust or force exerted by a fluid , that opposes an object's weight.

A weight reading on a scale shows is the upward force or downward force oexerted by the scale?

downward force

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Buoyancy, which is an upward acting force exerted by a fluid , that opposes an object's weight.

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buoyancy is the upward force that keeps things afloat. The net upward buoyancy force is equal to the magnitude of the weight of fluid displaced by the body. This force enables the object to float or at least seem lighter

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Because your feet are not accelerating, the force exerted by the floor upon your feet must be exactly the same as the force exerted by your feet on the floor. If you are standing, the amount of force exerted by your feet, and thus the amount of force exerted by the floor, is equivalent to your weight.

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Buoyancy is an upward acting force. It is caused by fluid preassure which opposes an objects weight ( their gravitational pull downwards ).

What is the upward force that is exerted by a gas or liquid called?

well The upward force of a liquid or gas on an object is called