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Almost never happens.

Depends on how well aligned you mean, occasionally all the planets will be within 45° (as seen from the Sun) or within a cone that has the vertex at the Sun and has an opening of 30°, this happens every decade or so.

All the planets can never align less than 2° because the deviation from the ecliptic for some of the planets is greater than this.

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Q: All the planets in line with each other?
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Is there any time of the year when all the planets are in line with each other?

No, usually the planets are in different directions. Every few years two or three of them line up.

How are all outer planets similar to each other?

They are all gaseous.

When will the next date be when the inner four planets are in alignment?

First of all, it is impossible for all the planets to form a straight line out from the Sun (or viewed superimposed on each other in the sky) because each planetary orbit is tilted slightly.In April 2036 there will be an "alignment" insofar as all five planets that can be visible to the naked eye will appear together in the evening skyIn September 2008 there was an alignment in space (not in line with the sun) nor visible to earthlings (some planets were on one side others on the other side of Earth.

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A gravitational pull keep planets in order and they do not collid with each other

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It will vary from planet to planet but they will all be aligned in a straight line. The distance from Earth to Mars will be about 33,900,000 miles.

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Actually, the planets aren't all the same distance away.

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Why on some occasions you can see the planets line up in the sky?

All of the planets orbit the sun at different rates, closer planets orbit quickly, while further planets orbit more slowly. They are all more or less on the same plane, so their paths in the sky will be similar to each other as the earth rotates. They sometimes appear to line up in the sky every now and then as they orbit at their different rates.

What is thought to be the age of the eight planets relative to each other?

The planets in the solar system are all approximately the same age.

How often do all the planets line up?

The planets line up about every 10,000 years.

DO we all die when the planets line?

no stupid. now why would we die when the planets line up?