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The change in velocity is the integral of acceleration with respect to time. Assuming a constant acceleration, then

v = integral [a dt] = a t + v0

The change in distance is the integral of velocity with respect to time:

s = integral (v dt) = integral [(at + v0) dt] = 1 /2 a t^2 + v0 t + s0

Since the airplane is taking off from standing still at the start of the runway, s0 = 0 and v0 = 0.

s = 1/2 a t^2

We know that the at the end of the runway (456 m), the velocity must be 195 mph or 87.2 m/s, and this is v = at for constant acceleration. Plugging this in, we get:

456 m = 1/2 (87.2 m/s) t

Solving for t we get t = 10.5 seconds

Plugging this back into the equation for s, then

456 m = 1/2 a (10.5 s)^2

Solving for a:

a = 8.27 m/s^2

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Q: An airplane must reach a speed of 195 miles hour to take off if the the runway is 456 meter long what is the minimum value of the acceleration that will allow the airplane to take off successfully?
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An airplane originally at rest on a runway accelerates uniformly at 6 meters per second for 12 seconds During this 12-second interval the airplane travels a distance of approximately?

The formula for distance covered during uniform acceleration isd = 1/2 * (vf + vi) * t (1)Time, t, is given; initial velocity, vi, is 0; but final velocity, vf, is unknown and must be computed from given information. Knowing the rate of acceleration, initial velocity and time, The final velocity may be computed using the formula for average acceleration (actual acceleration under uniform motion) which isa = (vf - vi) / t (2)Rewriting to solve for vf with vi = 0 we havevf = a * tvf = 6m/s2 * 12svf = 72m/sPlugging this value into equation (1) with the other given values we haved = 1/2 * (72m/s + 0 m/s) * 12sd = 432mSo the airplane will travel 432m from rest in 12 seconds under 6m/s uniform acceleration.

What are identified by numbers that represent the orientation in compass degrees rounded to the nearest 10 degees?

Runways, sort of (they're actually that divided by 10, zero-padded to two digits if necessary). So a runway marked "27" has a heading of approximately 270 degrees and therefore runs due west (Runways have different numbers on each end; the other end of runway 27 would be marked "09").

Are runways designated with letters then numbers and taxiways are designated with letters?

No. Runways are designated with numbers that are based on the magnetic heading of the runway. Runway 36 is on a magnetic bearing of 360 or magnetic north. Runway 18 is on a magnetic bearing of 180 or magnetic south. A runway may carry a letter such as 19L and 19R where there are two parallel runways, a Left and a Right with the same heading. Taxiways are normally designated by a single letter, but if an airport has more than 26 taxiways, they can be designated by two letters or a letter followed by a number.

What is upwind distance?

UPWIND(aviation)-In airport traffic patterns leg paralel to the landing runway in the direction opposite the wind

What are some good compound words?

Example : cupcake handbag highschool racetrack RUNWAY jellyfish popsiclestick boardwalk basketball

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Does your body experience a larger acceleration in an airplane taking off or landing?

Depends on the length of runway available and the pilot. The shorter the runway, the harder the plane both has to start and to brake.

An airplane has a takeoff speed of 80ms which it reaches 35s after starting from rest what is the minimum length of the runway?

Assuming it as passenger aircraft and take-off speed = lift off speedwe have minimum runway length required as 80*35 = 2.8kmIf it is a military aircraft the length will reduce further to minimum unstick speed

What is the word for an airplane ground?

A runway?

What comprises an airplane runway?

A airplane runway is usually made of asphalt, although any flat surface from glacial ice, to bedrock, to concrete could work

Should a runway be made smooth or rough?

A runway must be smooth in order for an airplane to land safely on it.

What is a sentence for airplane?

The airplane managed to land safely.He never liked travelling by airplane.

Is an airplane taking off down a straight runway an example of accelerated motion?

Yes, an airplane taking off down a straight runway is an example of accelerated motion because the airplane is increasing its speed as it moves along the runway before lifting off into the air.

What is the length of an airplane run way?

In most western countries, an airplane runway is anywhere from 8,000 to 12,000 feet.

What forces are applied on an air plane on the runway?

On the runway, the main forces acting on an airplane are thrust (propels the plane forward), drag (resists the plane's motion), lift (opposes gravity to keep the plane airborne), and weight (pulls the airplane downward). These forces work together to allow the airplane to take off and maintain controlled movement on the runway.

What does approaching minimums means on an airplane?

Approaching minimums is called out by an on board computer when the plane is on approach to land. It means that the pilots are approaching the minimum altitude that they can safely fly to without the runway in sight (ie, through clouds and rain etc). If they reach that minimum altitude and the runway is still not in sight the pilots must call off the landing "go around" and attempt the landing again.

When With a reported wind of south at 20 knots which runway (10 14 or 24) is appropriate for an airplane with a 13-knot maximum crosswind component?

Runway 14.

How does an airplane takeoff and land?

The pilot first needs to check with the tower for clearance for takeoff, because it's never good to have a collision with an airplane that is landing and one that is taking off, or even have a mid-air collision with an aircraft on the approach and the other one leaving. When the pilot's given clearance, the airplane cruises from the tarmac tot he run way, and begins revving up the engines with the throttle so that it enables the aircraft to run down the runway. When the engine speed is fast enough, and the airplane is nearing the end of the runway, the stick is pulled back at an even speed (not fast and jerky otherwise the airplane will stall on too steep of a climb), and the flaps on the leading edge of the wings move down, creating lift which encourages the nose to go up, and the wheels of the airplane to leave the runway. Once the airplane is high enough off the ground (by at least 1 000 feet) the wheels, if possible, are retracted into the fuselage (body) of the airplane, and the airplane continues on its journey. To land, the airplane has to lose speed on the approach, and the pilot has to aim the nose to the runway he/she wants to land on, according to what the control tower tells him/her and the wind speed and direction. The airplane decreases in elevation as it approaches the runway. In order to help with this decrease in speed and approach, the nose of the airplane is pointed up slightly, at about a 1 to 5 degree angle in relation to the level of the runway. This is helped by keeping the stick pulled back slightly, and throttling down. When you throttle down, the engine speed (rpm) decreases, which helps in decreasing thrust and lift, which enables the airplane to leave the air and land. When the pilot feels the back wheels of the airplane touch the runway, he slowly and evenly noses the nose of the airplane down until he can feel the front wheel touch the runway. He throttles down so that the airplane is at an engine speed that allows the airplane to cruise slowly across the runway and pull onto the tarmac.