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The angles are: 150+30 = 180 degrees

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Q: An angle is five times its supplement find its measure what is the measurement of the angle?
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Three times the measure of the supplement of an angle is equal to eight times the measure of its complement Find the angle its complement and its supplement?

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The supplement of an angle x is equal to 180 - x. The measure of an angle that is nine times its supplement can be written as: x = 9(180 - x) You can then solve for the measure of the angle x: x = 1620 - 9x 10x = 1620 x = 162 Therefore, that angle which is nine times its supplement is itself 162 degrees.

An angles measure is 8 times that of its suppliment what is the measure of the angle?

The angle is 160 degrees and it's supplement is 20 degrees.

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explement of the angle or conjugate of an angle

The measure of an angle is 20 less than 3 times its supplement find the measure of the angle?

40-degrees 140-degrees

The measure of the angle is nineteen times greater than its supplement?

Nine degrees. Its supplement 171 degrees is ninteen times 9 degrees.

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An angel measure is 5 degrees less than 3 times the measure of its supplement Find the measure of the angle and its supplement?

The angles are: 43.75 degrees and 136.25 degrees

If an angle is four times its supplement how much does each of them measure?

36 and 144 degrees

What is the measurement of an angle whose supplement is 4 times the measure of its complement?

Suppose the angle is x degrees. Then (180 - x) = 4*(90 - x) 180 - x = 360 - 4x 3x = 180 so x = 60 degrees.