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Yes. But the fact must be true for EVERY parallelogram.

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Q: Any fact that is true for every parallelogram is also true for every square?
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Can a kite be a parallelogram?

Yes, it can be a parallelogram. It will always be a parallelogram. NO. In fact a kite can only be a parallelogram in the extreme case that it is a rhombus (or square). NO. NO. NO. NO. hehe.

Could you call a rhombus a square parallelogram?

No, rhombus refers to its shape, not the fact that is has four equal sides. You could call a rhombus an equilateral parallelogram by why would you want to? Also, would you then call a square a rhombic rectangle?

What is another names for parallelogram?

The rhombus, rectangle, and square are special types of parallelograms.

Is a square a parallelogram?

Yes, a square is a parallelogram, but we'd call it a "special type" of parallelogram.A square is also a special type of rectangle, rhombus, and quadrilateral.Properties of a parallelogram:Interior angles add up to 360 degreesExterior angles add up to 360 degreesOpposite sides are congruentOpposite sides are parallelOpposite angles are congruentAdjacent angles are supplementaryDiagonal midpoints make perpendicular linesA square satisfies all of those requirements.

Why is a rhombus a parallelogram?

A parallelogram is a 4-sided figure whose opposite sides are parallel. and opposite angles are the same. The opposite sides of a rhombus are parallel, therefore it's a parallelogram. Its sides also happen to be all the same length, which isn't required in a parallelogram, and that's why it's a special kind of parallelogram and has a special name. However, a parallelogram is NOT a rhombus!

Is any fact that is true for every rectangle is also true for every square?

No. "The lengths of adjacent sides can be different." True for a rectangle, not true for a square.

What 2d shape has four equal sides but no right angles?

A rhombus. (Which is in fact also an equilateral parallelogram)

An equilateral quadrilateral is a?

Equilateral means all of the sides are equal and quadrilateral means four sided. This must be a parallelogram; in fact a special case of a parallelogram. If one angle is right then they all must be, and the figure is a square. Otherwise it is a rhombus.

What fact is not true about a parallelogram?

That it has five sides.

Does a parallelogram add up to 180?

No. In fact a parallelogram does not add up. It has a perimeter, it has an area, it has four angles and they are or can be added up. The the parallelogram itself cannot.

Why is the area of a rectangle greater than that of a parallelogram?

Not necessarily. In fact, if a rectangle and parallelogram have the same base and height, their areas are equal.

Is a trapezoid always a parrallelogram?

No. In fact, a trapezoid is never a parallelogram.