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Yes and the equal sides will each be 6.222895307 cm in length with a apex angle of 80 degrees

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Q: Are all isosceles triangles with two 50 degrees angles and exactly one side of length side 8 cm?
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How many degrees does a isosceles triangle have?

all triangles have 180 degrees even isosceles

How many different isosceles triangles have at least one angle that measures exactly 20?

If one angle measures 20 degrees then the other two angles must each measure 80 degrees and many other similar or congruent isosceles triangles can have the same interior angles.

Which type of triangles has exactly two sides that are congruent?

An Isosceles triangle has two sides (and two angles) congruent.

Do isosceles triangles have exactly two acute angles?

Answer: Yes, because of the two angles have to be exactly equal in order to be isosceles. And no isosceles has 3 acute angles and then it will be equilateral triangle Answer: No, the isosceles triangle can either have two acute angles, or all three can be acute.

What is an isosceles triangle measure up to?

In all triangles, the angles always measure up 180 degrees. In an isosceles triangle two of the angles are equal.

How much degrees is in a isosceles triangle?

ALL triangles - have internal angles that add up to 180 degrees.

How many degrees in an isosceles tringle?

All triangles have a total of 180 degrees. In an isosceles triangle the two angles opposite the side of equal length will have equal degrees.

Triangle has no equal anles or sides?

Equaliateral Triangles have all three sides and angles (60 degrees)equal Isosceles Triangles have to equal sides and angles Scalene Triangles have no equal sides or angles

How are isosceles triangles and acute triangles alike?

They both have 3 sides and 3 interior angles that add up to 180 degrees.

What does all the triangles look like and what type of triangle are they?

There are infinitely many types of triangles, and they can be classified according to their angles or sides (or both). Equilateral (equiangular triangles): All sides equal, all angles 60 degrees. Obtuse angled isosceles triangles: Two sides equal; one angle > 90deg. Right angled isosceles triangles: Two sides equal; angles of 90, 45, 45 degrees. Other isosceles triangle: Two sides equal; angles of 180-2x, x, x degrees. Obtuse angled scalene triangles: All sides unequal, one angle > 90 degrees. Right angled scalene triangles: All sides unequal, one angle = 90 degrees. Acute angled scalene triangles: All sides unequal, all angles < 90 degrees.

Are angles in an isoceles triangle equal?

Isosceles triangles have at least 2 equal angles. The 3rd angle can either be equal to the other two (it's then called an equilateral triangle), or it can be different from the two equal angles, in which case it's an isosceles triangle. All equilateral triangles are isosceles triangles, but not all isosceles triangles are equilateral triangles.

What do you know about the angles and the linesegments of triangles?

Triangles are joined together by 3 line segments Triangles have 3 interior angles that add up to 180 degrees Triangles have 3 exterior angles that add up to 360 degrees Triangles have no diagonals Triangles will tessellate Triangles can be scalene, obtuse, right angle, isosceles or equilateral Triangles have a perimeter which is the sum of their 3 sides