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An intact snowflake has a hexagonal symetry. I don't think that there are any exceptions

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Q: Are all snowflakes symetrical
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What are the different type of snowflakes?

All snowflakes are different

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Do snowflakes look like?

All snowflakes are six-sided crystals

Which geometrical figures are without symmetry?

none of them. they are all symetrical

Are snowflakes real?

Snowflakes are ice particles formed from water droplets high in the atmosphere. All snow falls as snowflakes. Snowflakes are the winter version of rain drops. They are quite real.

What shape are snowflakes?

snowflakes are shaped like stars

Why are all snowflakes hexagrams?

Though snowflakes vary greatly in appearance they all have six-sides due to the chemical makeup of the water they are formed from.

What shape do snowflakes share?

they don't share anything exept they are snowflakes they are all unique in their own special way:)

When Wilson bentley photograhped 1000 snowflakes what two discoverys did he make?

Snow is cold. Snowflakes are all the same

Are all snowflakes the same temperature?

No, not necessarily.

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What do sugar salt and snowflakes have in common?

they are all crystals