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Q: Are consecutive angles congruent or supplementary?
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Are consecutive angles in a parallelogram always congruent?

Not unless the parallelogram is a rectangle. In every parallelogram, consecutive angles are supplementary.

What quadrilaterals have two pairs of consecutive angles supplementary and opposite angles are not congruent?

A trapezoid.

The consecutive angles of a rectangle are congruent and supplementary?

Yes, that sounds right.

Angles that are congruent and supplementary must be?

Angles that are congruent and supplementary must be right angles.

Are corresponding angles congruent or supplementary?

They are congruent angles

In which quadrilaterals are consecutive angles always congruent?

Only in squares and rectangles. In a rhombus, the consecutive angle is supplementary (sums to 180 degrees).

Can a pair of angles be supplementary and congruent?

No, a pair of angles that are supplementary will always have a sum of 180 degrees, while a pair of angles that are congruent will have the same measure. Therefore, it is not possible for a pair of angles to be both supplementary and congruent.

Are vertical angles congruent or supplementary angles?

Vertical angles are always, by definition, congruent. Note: If the two vertical angles are right angles then they are both congruent and supplementary.

What properties apply in a parallelogram?

Consecutive angles are supplementary Diagonals bisect each other Opposite angles are congruent Opposite sides are parallel

What are the 5 properties of parallelograms?

If one angle is right, then all angles are right. The diagonals of a parallelogram bisect each other. Opposite angles are congruent. Opposite sides are congruent. Consecutive angles are supplementary.

Consecutive angles in a parrallelogram are?

Consecutive angles in a parallelogram are supplementary.

What are consecutive angles of a parrallelogram?

Consecutive angles of a parallelogram are supplementary.