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Q: Are fraternal twins less alike then identical twins?
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Is it true that the genes of frantenal twins less alike than those of identical twins?

Yes, fraternal; twins are no more closely;y related than any siblings since they were two separate embryos and two separate fertilized eggs.

Can conjoined twins be different gender?

Nature has various safety valves. That is one of them. Conjoined Twins are identical twins with a natural connective bond, therefore they always take the same sex. Fraternal twins, like the fictional Bobbseys, can be Boy and Girl.

Do twins have the same blood type?

Identical twins should. Mutations are the only exception. Semi-identical twins (whether this is possible is still argued) are more likely to have such. Fraternal twins might, but no more likely than siblings having the same blood type (which is, reasonably, common). Fraternal twins with different fathers are less likely to share a blood type, just as would appear with half-siblings. Then again, it is POSSIBLE for you to have the same blood type as your unrelated next door neighbor, but it is not likely. I am just telling you the probability of things.

Clomid and twins?

Yes! I took Clomid for less than six cycles and the two times I actually ovulated I released more than one egg. In fact I am currently eight weeks pregnant with fraternal twins right now due to the clomid! So if you don't want twins, think twice! this is what i found on the web!Twin pregnancies may occur in as many as 5% of the women who use Clomid. Triplet pregnancies are far more rare.

Why do identical twins become less alike as they grow older?

no one's DNA is the same it's probaly just changing or growing in different ways

Is it fun being twins?

No more or less fun than being anything else. Twins can be close, but so can non-twin siblings. Twins can also be not close at all, it depends on the twins. Identical twins might have fun getting attention for being alike, but they also get attention when they don't want it.

Do identical twins have the same eyes?

Not always. Even identical twins will experience some differences in development before birth. However, it is unlikely that the shape of twins' ears would be radically different, even in most fraternal twins.

How are identical and non-identical twins produced?

When an egg is fertilized by a sperm, it becomes a zygote. That zygote goes through cell division to become an embryo.Sometimes, the zygote splits and becomes two separate organisms - they will be identical twins. If the zygote splits and separates multiple times, you can get triplets or even quadruplets. They will all be (more-or-less) genetically identical.If two eggs are released during ovulation and each one is fertilized (by a separate sperm) then you will have fraternal (non-identical) twins. Again, if multiple eggs are released (for example, when a woman is undergoing fertility treatments) and each one is fertilized by a separate sperm, you can get triplets, quadruplets, etc. They will all be genetically different and can even be different sexes.

If my grandma on my mom's side had twins what are the chances that i will have twins?

Here are the variables that increase chances of having twins or multiple babies: 1) You the mom are over 45 2)You live in Massachusetts 3)You take fertility drugs or undergo fertility treatments 4)You, your mother, or her mother is a fraternal twin. Skips generations 5)You already had fraternal twins 6)You are Nigerian 7)You are tall or overweight. Here are the variables that decrease chances of having twins or multiple babies: 1)You are Hispanic or Asian 2)You are under 25 3)You live in Hawaii If you are looking for statistics for identical multiple births (instead of fraternal), then the chances are very much less likely than fraternal twins. ~The chances of having triplets or more is 1 in 8100 and odds having quadruplets are 1 in 729,000

How possible is that you have fraternal twins if you marry a guy who is white with blue eyes and that you are white also?

There is no genetic link between being white, having blue eyes, and being more or less likely to have twins at all.

Why do I weigh more than my identical twin sister?

The genetic tendency toward body size should make identical twins of roughly the same build, generally the same metabolism, and even subject to the same allergies. However, as they grow, differences in environment can begin to make them less identical: they may eat at different times, prefer different foods, and have different interests (especially sports) that cause them to use calories at different rates. For fraternal twins, you may have both striking similarities and wide divergences.

Is it possible to be a twin and both twins have twins also?

Lots of times twins runs in families, so your answer is yes. There seems to be a higher rate of births of twins with twins. but sometimes it can skip a generation! so you never know but you will be lucky if you are a twin and have twins yourself!!!!!!!!!!XD:)