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Q: At which temperature is Celsius equivalent to Fahrenheit?
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Is Fahrenheit warmer than Celsius?

No. They are units of temperature. A value in Fahrenheit has an equivalent value in Celsius.

What is the equivalent Fahrenheit temperature for 40 celsius?

40 degree Celsius = 104 degree Fahrenheit.

A Celsius temperature of 100 degrees is equivalent to a Fahrenheit temperature of what?


IF temperature on a spring day is 59 Fahrenheit. what is the equivalent temperature in degrees Celsius?

15 degrees Celsius.

When is Fahrenheit lower then Celsius?

After -40 degrees. At -40 degrees, the Celsius and Fahrenheit scales are equal. A temperature greater than -40 in Celsius will be smaller than its equivalent in Fahrenheit, but below -40 degrees Fahrenheit, its equivalent in Celsius will be larger.

At what temperature is Fahrenheit double Celsius?

At approximately -12.3 °F the equivalent temperature in Celsius is -24.6 °C. This is the only temperature at which the value of the temperature in Celsius is double that of the equivalent Fahrenheit temperature. To be more precise, the temperatures are -12 4/13 °F and -24 8/13 °C.

What Fahrenheit temperature is equivalent to -20 degrees Celsius?


When a celsius temperature is 45 what is the equivalent Fahrenheit temperature?

45 degrees Celsius = 113 degrees Fahrenheit. Formula: [°F] = [°C] × 1.8 + 32

What is the Fahrenheit equivalent of -20 degrees Celsius?

Exactly -20 degrees Celsius is equal to -4 degrees Fahrenheit. The conversion formula is Fahrenheit temperature = (9/5 x Celsius temperature)+ 32

What temperature in Fahrenheit is 39.4 Celsius?

Temperature Fahrenheit = Temperature Celsius(1.80) + 32 Temperature Fahrenheit = (39.4o Celsius)(1.80) + 32 = 102.9o Fahrenheit ==============

What is 39.8 Celsius?

39.8 degrees celsius is a temperature measurement equivalent to 103.64 degrees Fahrenheit

What is the equivalent celsius temperature for 40 degrees Fahrenheit?

40F = 4.44C