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A mole.

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Q: Avogadro's constant is defined as the number of particles in?
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In Avogadros number is defined as the number of particles in?

A mole.

How many moles of atoms are in 6.0221023 atoms Ne?

1. 6.022 X 1023 is Avogadros number (Avogadros constant) the number of atoms in a mole.

Avogadros number is the number what?

It is the number of fundamental particles - atoms or molecules - of a substance in 1 mole of that substance.

What evidence supports avogadros hypothesis?

PV/NrT, pressure(volume)/amount(constant)(temperature). When your temperature, volume, and pressure are all the same, you get the same number of particles. This is avogadros hypothesis. Let's say that you have to balloons. They have the same temperature, volume, and pressure. If you weigh the gases in the balloon, you will find that there is the same amount of particles. In fact Dalton did this was able to find out the amount of particles (atoms) by the mass of objects.

How many grams of CoCl2 6H2O must you measure out in a container to have exactly Avogadros number of particles?


The number of particles in a mole is a constant?

Yes - it is Avagadro's number/constant

What When the volume and number of particles of a gas are constant is also constant?

The temperature and pressure.

When the volume and number of particles of a gas are constant is also constant?

The temperature and pressure.

What is one mole of photon?

A Mole of anything is avogadros number of particles which is 6.022 x 10^23. So a mole of Photos is 6.002 x 10^23 number of photons.

What is the name given to the number of particles in a mole?

The name given to the number of particles in a mole is Avagadro's number/constant

What property is constant in the gas law?

number of particles.

Avogadros number of representative particals is equal to one?

Avogadro's number of any particles or countable objects, equals by definition 1 (exact) mole.