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Q: Balanced chemical equations imply what a. Numbers of molecules are conserved b. Numbers of atoms are conserved c. Volume is conserved d. a and b or e. b and c?
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Are moles conserved in a balanced chemical equations?


Are chemical equations balanced by changing the subscripts of the molecules?

No - they are usually balanced by changing the numbers before the molecules.

What is a balanced chemical equation Why should chemical equations be balanced?

A balanced equation is when the amount of molecules reacting are equal to the amount of molecules being produced. Chemical equations must be balanced because no energy/mass is ever lost when a reaction takes place. This is because atoms are simply arranged.

Are Chemical equations are balanced by changing the subscripts of the molecules?

ABSOLUTELY NOT Change the coefficients on reactant or productt units.

What quantity can always be used in the same way as moles when interpreting balanced chemical equations?

The number of molecules

Equations show each side is equal as far as the number of atoms and molecules?

this is called having a balanced equation .....if both sides are not balanced u must correct it by changing the number of moles

Is chemical equations required to be balanced?

Yes, chemical equations must be balanced due to the law of conservation of matter/mass.

Chemical equations must be?


What is a chemical equation balanced does it show?

Chemical equations are representative for chemical reactions.

Why chemical equation have to be balance?

As no chemical equations create or destroy new molecules, both sides need to be balanced to show the same amount of each element is on either side of the equation.

Balanced chemical equations demonstrate?

the law of conservation of mass.

Chemical equations must be balanced because of the?

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