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Q: Before you take a drink of water people have probably drank it before you?
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The water you drank today has probably been drunk by other people before you?

thousands of

You drank beer before it carbonated?

You heard correctly, I drank beer before it carbonated. I am ashamed and embarrassed, and it will never happen again. I am sorry.

Would well water be considered kosher?

Certainly! What do you think people drank before modern plumbing?

Can you get your lip pierced if you drank the night before?

yes, you can :)

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Before or after the black panthers...After Coke...and not the drink!

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Has miley drank beer before?

I think it's yes but no.

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they drank tea as medicine before exporting to europe

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it only hurts if you ate or drank something before

How often should a puppy?

This depends on how much water the puppy has drank. If s/he drank the whole bowl, s/he probably will pee a lot. If s/he drank a few licks, then s/he may not pee as much unless she drank more water before the few sips. This really is a question that varies from puppy to puppy. My advice would be to talk to your vet.

What was previously used before the discovery of pasteurization?

I know that people just dealt with it and drank the milk right away au revoir idk hhahahhaha

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yes energy drinks do make you tireder than before