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Q: Beliefs about what is true or false that are often taken for granted are called?
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Net income is often called the first line?

False. Net Income is often called "the bottom line".

Writing that distorts the truth for evil purpose?

This is known as propaganda, which involves manipulating information to sway people's beliefs and actions for a specific agenda or gain. It often involves deception, manipulation, and the dissemination of misleading or false information.

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People think miracles are false because?

Usually, because there is no evidence to support a claim. Often one will not believe in miracles because of personal beliefs or prior judgment of the one claiming a miracle.

Why is it called a myth?

"Myth" is a term used to describe traditional stories or beliefs that often involve supernatural beings, gods, or heroes. They may not be based on historical events or scientific evidence. The term does not necessarily imply that the story is false, but rather that it is a cultural narrative that carries symbolic meaning.

What A collection of patches is called a bug true or false?

False. A collection of patches is usually known as an update. Updates are often intended to fix bugs as well as to add new features.

Not all ideas are called beliefs how true is this?

Yes, it is perfectly true that not all ideas are called beliefs. We make the distinction between beliefs, which may or may not be accurate, and facts, which are accurate. Of course, people are often mistaken when they classify a particular idea as being either a belief or a fact. Nonetheless, it remains a meaningful distinction.

Are schizophrenics always right?

Schizophrenics are often wrong. One major symptom of schizophrenia is delusions, or false strongly held beliefs. An example of a delusion is a belief that coworkers are trying to poison you, or that the CIA is observing you when they are not. Outside of delusions, schizophrenics are wrong as often as or more often than anyone else.

What is the set of beliefs that have been passed down orally?

A set of beliefs that have been passed down orally is called oral tradition. These are often things that family members pass down from generation to generation.

Do unto others as you would have them do unto you is often called 'The Golden Rule' true or false?

True. 'Do unto others as you would have them do unto you' is indeed often referred to as 'The Golden Rule'.