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One made of Weapons Grade Titanium...

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Q: Bike for three hundred fifty pound man?
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Which is better for a 5'1 95 pound person a fifty cc dirt bike or a one hundred cc dirt bike?

100cc the bigger the better

How much can a bike stunter earn?

A hundred and fifty thousand

How long do you have to ride a bike to lose one pound?

Three days

Where can you get a pocket bike between 100 and 500 dollars?

at my house only 1 pound fifty on black market day ! come round

Is a bike less than a pound or the same as a pound?


What would be a good starter bike for a 290 pound guy?

a stationary exercise bike

How fast can a 97cc mini bike go?

a mini bike with a 90 pound person on it that is 97cc can go 50mph

What dirt bike should a 105 pound kid get?

a 105 pound kid should get a 800cc Honda supercharge

Is there a kids dirt bike for 100 pound or less?

yes the 85cc

What is a kilo pound equal to on a stationary upright bike?

1000 pounds.

How many parts are in a bicycle?

Would depend on the bike, but a few hundred.

What sport bike can a 6'6 240 pound man fit on?

350cc or better