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One BYTE is always 8 BITs. (Binary digITs)

Some data protocols use a different number of bits to define a character, most systems today use 8 bits, some older systems used 5 bits or 7 bits. But a BYTE is always 8 bits regardless. (a NIBBLE is half a byte - 4 bits).

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Q: Binary digits combine to create one byte?
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How many binary digits combined to create one byte?


Amount of binary digits in a byte?


A string of eight 0s and 1s is called?

Eight binary digits are called a byte.Four binary digits are a nibble.

What is Eight binary digits equal to?

1 byte

How do you define a byte?

A byte is a unit of memory consisting of eight binary digits or bits

Group of eight binary digits?

That is called a bite. * * * * * A byte.

What is a group of eight binary digits called?

one byte

A group of 8 binary digits is known as a?

In binary system there are two digits: 0 and 1, or false and true01010101 (8 binary digits or 8 bits) are 1 byte.

Bytes are arrangements of?

A Byte is an arrangement of eight Bits (Binary digITs)

How many bianary digits create one byte?

Binary digit = 1 bit. Four bits = 1 nibble. 8 bits = 1 byte.[An obsolete computer type used 9 bits to a byte, but that is history, not modern practice. ]

What is ay byte?

A byte is a unit of measurement for binary data. A byte is somewhat useful as it contains enough data to represent characters (each character you type takes up 1 byte of storage) Bit: single digit of binary (Example: 0) Nibble: 4 digits of binary (Example: 0101) Byte: 8 Digits of Binary (Example: 01010101) Kilobyte: 1024 bytes (8192 bits) Megabyte: 1024 Kilobytes (1048576 Bytes = 8388608 bits)