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Sorry I won't be doing the calculations but I will give you the formula. PV=nRT Here P(pressure):101.3kPa=1.013*10^5 Pa V(volume):We have to find it T(Temperature):25C=25+273=298 K (Si unit of temperature is kelvin) n(number of moles):1 (Molar means one mole) R(gas constant)=8.314 Put the values and do the calculations and find V. Similarly find out for 110 kPa

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16y ago
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16y ago

Sorry I won't be doing the calculations but I will give you the formula. PV=nRT Here P(pressure):110kPa=1.1*10^5 Pa V(volume):We have to find it T(Temperature):-78C=-78+273=195 K (Si unit of temperature is kelvin) n(number of moles):1 (Molar means one mole) R(gas constant)=8.314 Put the values and do the calculations and find V. Similarly find out for 101.3 kPa

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2mo ago

a) At 25.0°C and 101.3 kPa, the molar volume of a gas is approximately 24.79 L/mol. b) At -78.0°C and 110 kPa, the molar volume of a gas is approximately 22.75 L/mol.

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12y ago

24.465 L/mol at 25 °C and 1 atm of pressure

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Q: Calculate the molar volume of a gas under the following conditions a 25.0C and 101.3kPa b -78.0C and 110kPa?
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