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Yes, since Guppies and Neon Tetras are small fish (and stay small), there should be no problem with them living comfortably in a 2 gallon tank. You should add a little filter and air bubble combo to keep the water clean and aerated. Since these are tropical fish, you should also add a small heater and a thermometer. Goldfish do not need a heater but tropical fish do.

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Q: Can 4 guppies and 2 neon tetras go in a 2 gallon tank?
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Will 3 guppies and 3 neon tetras do well in a 10 gallon tank or do you need more tetras?

That is fine. You might consider getting some corydoras catfish.

How many Oscars can you put in a 10 gallon tank?

NONE Oscars are really messy and grow up to a foot! They need at least 50 gallons. For a 10 gallon I recommend some guppies and neon tetras.

What are some good long living fresh water fish for a 20 gallon tank?

Betta fish, guppies, tetras.

How many Neon Tetras with a Betta in 4 gallon Aquarium?

You should only have 1 fish per gallon of water in a fish tank. I wouldn't put more than 2 or 3 Neon Tetras in a 4 gallon aquarium with 1 Betta.

What is a good fresh water fish combination for 17gallon tank?

You can safely keep a shoal of neon tetras (tropical) in a 17 gallon tank

Would it be ok to keep 5 neon tetras in a ten gallon tank or is that not enough room for them to swim around... they will be with a few other gentile fish 3 guppies and 2 cories?

That should be plenty of room, the general rule of thumb is one gallon of water for every inch of fish, though with very social fish like tetras, I think you can go over that a bit with no problems. Neon tetras can not live alone. Three is minimum, five is better.

What fish do well in a 36 gallon tank?

You could have a school of neon tetras (approx 6), or 1 fancy goldfish

Is there a fish that you can get that only needs a 5 gallon tank but is not ugly and not a betta?

yes. 3 or 4 neon tetras can live in a 5 gallon tank. they are also fairly cheap.Type your answer here...

Is your 10 gallon tank over stocked if you have 1 bronze Cory and 1 betta and 2 platys and four neon tetras?


Is your aquarium overstocked it has 1 betta 5 neon tetras and a stone sucker?

If it is a 15 gallon tank or less than yes.

Can seven neon tetras and three guppies live in a 20 gallon tank?

Well, it depends on their size. From what I've heard, you can put one inch of fish into a tank per gallon, so: 5 one inch fishes of 1 five inch fish etc. It doesn't matter about the fish unless some are aggressive and the others are not.

Can you have a fish tank with 18 neon tetras and 2 large goldfish?

No, Neon Tetras and Goldfish do not belong in the same tank. Goldfish prefer cold water, while Tetras are more of a tropical fish.