

Can 4 triangle make a octagon?

Updated: 12/23/2022
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12y ago

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An octogon OS 8 sided

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Q: Can 4 triangle make a octagon?
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How is a octagon and triangle different?

An octagon has 8 sides whereas a triangle has only 3 sides

How are a octagon and triangle alike?

a triangle is 180 degrees a square is 2 triangles so it is 360 degrees an octagon is 8 sides 720 degrees 180 times 4 = 720 degrees

How triangle and octagon are same?

octagon is 8 triangles points in the middle

What is the difference between an octagon and a triangle?

An Octagon contains 8 sides whereas a triangle contains only 3 sides

How is a octagon and a triangle the same?

No because an octagon has 8 sides whereas a triangle has only 3 sides but they are both polygons.

How many triangle s does it take to make a octagon?

It takes 6 triangles and 6*180 = 1080 degrees which are the total degrees in an 8 sided octagon

Three is to triangle as eight is to?

Three is to triangle as eight is to octagon.

Is an octagon similar to a triangle?

They are both shapes and an octagon can be made up of six or more triangles. Other than that they are not similar. A triangle must have three sides. An octagon must have eight sides.

What is the same about a octagon and a triangle?

They're both shapes... ;) Also: the sum of the angles that make them up fit the equation 180(x-2) where x is the number of sides. E.g. a triangle has 3 sides so the total angle sum is 180. An octagon has 5 sides so the total angle quantity is 900.

What is different about a triangle and an octagon?

the number of sides

How many sides have an octagon have?

An Octagon has 8 sides. The other more popular shapes are Hexagon which has 6 sides, a Pentagon which has 5 sides, a Square which has 4 sides and a Triangle which has 3 sides.