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NO! A linear system can only have one solution (the lines intersect at one point), no solution (the lines are parallel), and infinitely many solutions (the lines are equivalent).

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Q: Can a linear system have exactly two solutions?
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Can a system of two linear equations have exactly two solutions?

Yes, a system can, in fact, have exactly two solutions.

There is a system of linear equations with exactly two solutions is it true or false?

False. There can either be zero, one, or infinite solutions to a system of two linear equations.

Why a system of linear equations cannot have exactly two solutions?

A system of linear equations can only have: no solution, one solution, or infinitely many solutions.

Can a system of two linear equations in two variables have 3 solutions?

No. At least, it can't have EXACTLY 3 solutions, if that's what you mean. A system of two linear equations in two variables can have:No solutionOne solutionAn infinite number of solutions

Explain why a system of linear equations cannot have exactly two solutions?

if you can fart out of your chin then you know your headin in the right direction

Can a linear programming problem have exactly two optimal solutions?

Yes, a linear programming problem can have exactly two optimal solutions. This will be the case as long as only two decision variables are used within the problem.

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A system of linear equations in two variables can have solutions?


Can a pair of linear equation have exactly two solutions?

No. A pair of linear equation can have 0 solutions (they are parallel), or one solution (they cross at one point) or an infinite number of solutions (they represent the same line).

Why cant a system of linear equations cannot have exactly two solutions?

Because linear lines can't intersect in two seperate places. They either intersect at one specific coordinate, or the lines are on top of each other and they intersect at every point.

What is a system of linear equations in two variables?

They are a set of equations in two unknowns such that any term containing can contain at most one of the unknowns to the power 1. A system of linear equations can have no solutions, one solution or an infinite number of solutions.

Can a system of linear equations in two variables have exactly two solutions?

Yes. The easiest case to see where this is true is in the case that the equations are all of degree = 1, which will yield one solution per variable.