

Can a multiplicative be divided

Updated: 9/23/2023
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11y ago

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No. A "multiplicative" is an adjective, not a noun. For example a multiplicative inverse, or a multiplicative relationship, or multiplicative model. It is not a number and cannot be divided.

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The same as for a real number: 1 divided by the number.For example, the multiplicative inverse (or reciprocal) of 2i is 1 / 2i = -(1/2)i.

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Assuming the question is about the multiplicative inverse, the answer is, -1. It is its own multiplicative inverse.

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The answer depends on multiplicative WHAT! Multiplicative is an adjective, not a noun.The answer depends on multiplicative WHAT! Multiplicative is an adjective, not a noun.The answer depends on multiplicative WHAT! Multiplicative is an adjective, not a noun.The answer depends on multiplicative WHAT! Multiplicative is an adjective, not a noun.

Does every non-zero number have a multiplicative inverse?

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Multiplicative means pertaing or related to the mathematical opration known as multiplication.