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Every irrational number has a non-terminating, non-repeating decimal representation.

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Q: Can a non-terminating decimal be a non-repeating decimal?
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Related questions

What is a nonrepeating nonterminating decimal rational or irrational?

They are irrational.

What can be a number that can be expressed as a nonrepeating nonterminating decimal?

an irrational number

Can an irrational number be nonrepeating and nonterminating?


What is a non-terminating number?

A nonterminating number does not end. An example is the fraction 1/3. When written as a decimal, it is a nonterminating number. Also pi is a nonterminating number. Some nonterminating numbers are repeating, some are nonrepeating. But they just don't end.

What real number is nonterminating and a nonrepeating decimal?

The only real number that is non-terminating and non-repeating is Pi (pie)

Positive or negative decimals that are nonterminating and nonrepeating or have a pattern in their digits but do not repeat exactly are?

Irrational numbers.

Is 7.1234 is a rational number?


Is pi finite?

no, it is an infinetly nonrepeating decimal

What is the definition for a non terminating decimal?

Nonterminating Decimal: A decimal that continues without end.For example:The square root of 2 = 1.414213562… Therefore, the square root of 2 is a nonterminating decimal.

What is nonterminating and not repeating decimal?

It is an infinite non-repeating decimal which represents an irrational number.

Every repeating or nonrepeating decimal numeral determines?

Repeat these nuts

Terminating and nonterminating decimal?

a terminating decimal is one that has an end like 1/2 is 0.5 nonterminating does not end like 1/3 is 0.33333333333333333333333333333333333333333... where there are an infinite number of 3s on the end. 1/4 is 0.25 so it is also terminating pi is a nonterminating number it is 3.14159265359... it also doesn't have a set pattern to go by so its not only a nonterminating decimal, but it is an irrational number. Hope that helps