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Yes it can have two obtuse angles

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Q: Can a parallelogram has two obtues angles?
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Related questions

How many equal angles does a parallelogram have?

a parallelogram has two pairs of equal angles

If two angles of a parallelogram are acute what can you conclude about the other two angles?

If two of the angles of a parallelogram are acute, then the other two angles will be obtuse. Since a parallelogram contains two pairs of parallel sides, both of the acute angles and both of the obtuse angles respectively will measure the same.

Does a parallelogram have 4 right angles and why?

Not always. A parallelogram only has to have two equal parallel sides and its angles does not have to be 90°. Only two types of parallelogram, the rectangle and the square, have four right angles.

How many obtuse angles in a parallelogram?

It has two obtuse angles

Can a parallelogram measure 45 angles and two 75 angles why or why not?

No because the total sum of interior angles of a parallelogram are 360 degrees.

Is a parallelogram always have 4 right angles?

A parallelogram does not have to be four right angles. A parallelogram is a four sided shape with two parallel lines.

What has exactly two adjacent right angles that is not a parallelogram?

A square because a parallelogram has two parallel sides and have two adjacent right angles but a square and a rectangle have also a two adjacent right angles.

What is a parallelogram with 2 congruent sides and two congruent angles?

A parallelogram cannot have only two congruent sides, nor only two congruent angles.

What has four sides and four angles two angles are acute and two are obtuse?


Can a parallelogram have exactly two right angles?


What is a parallelogram with two right angles?

A rectangle

Are complementary angles consecutive angles in a parallelogram?

The question does not really make sense. Once might ask, "Are consecutive angles in a parallelogram complementary?" in which case the answer is no. Complementary angles are angles which add up to 90 degrees. Consecutive angles are angles next to each other (or follow each other). In a parallelogram, consecutive angles are supplementary (add to 180 degrees). In a parallelogram, opposite angles are equal. You could have a parallelogram where two angles are 45 degree (and thus complementary) and then the other two angles would be 135 degrees.