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Q: Can a trinomial x2 plus bx plus c where b and c are integers be factored with integer coefficients if its discriminant is 35?
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How do you factor polynomials into binomials and trinomials?

Here are the steps to factoring a trinomial of the form x2 + bx + c , with c > 0 . We assume that the coefficients are integers, and that we want to factor into binomials with integer coefficients.Write out all the pairs of numbers which can be multiplied to produce c .Add each pair of numbers to find a pair that produce b when added. Call the numbers in this pair d and e .If b > 0 , then the factored form of the trinomial is (x + d )(x + e) . If b < 0 , then the factored form of the trinomial is (x - d )(x - e) .Check: The binomials, when multiplied, should equal the original trinomial.Note: Some trinomials cannot be factored. If none of the pairs total b , then the trinomial cannot be factored.

How do you factor the trinomial 6p2-3p-2?

That trinomial is unfactorable (the roots are not integers).

What are integer coefficients?

5x + 3y = 7z 5, 3, and 7 are coefficients and they are integers, they are integer coefficients

Please factor 6T2-4t-5?

6t^2-4t-5 1x30---29 2x15---13 3x10---7 5x6---1 These four numbers are the only ones that can be in the middle. This trinomial can not be factored over the set of integers. It is prime,

What are co-efficients?

5x + 3y = 7z 5, 3, and 7 are coefficients and they are integers, they are integer coefficients

What are the examples of perfect square trinomial?

a2x2 + 2abx + b2 where a and b are any integers.

What is algebraic numbers?

An algebraic number is one that is a root to a non-zero polynomial, in one variable, whose coefficients are rational numbers.Equivalently, if the polynomial is multiplied by the LCM of the coefficients, the coefficients of the polynomial will all be integers.

What is an algebraic integer?

An algebraic integer is a number which is a root of a monic polynomial whose coefficients are integers.

Choose three integers a b and c Now use a b and c to create a trinomial ax2 plus bx plus c Can you factor this trinomial How would you create a trinomial that will factor?

1, 5 and 6 x^2 + 5x + 6 = (x + 2)(x + 3)

Is combining like terms much harder to do when the coefficients and constant terms are not integers?

The answer depends on how fluently you can work with fractions.

How do I find the discriminant?

Given the quadratic equation ax^2 + bx + c =0, where a, b, and c are real numbers: (The discriminant is equal to b^2 - 4ac) If b^2 - 4ac &lt; 0, there are two conjugate imaginary roots. If b^2 - 4ac = 0, there is one real root (called double root) If b^2 - 4ac &gt; 0, there are two different real roots. In the special case when the equation has integral coefficients (means that all coefficients are integers), and b^2 - 4ac is the square of an integer, the equation has rational roots. That is , if b^2 - 4ac is the square of an integer, then ax^2 + bx + c has factors with integral coefficients. * * * * * Strictly speaking, the last part of the last sentence is not true. For example, consider the equation 4x2 + 8x + 3 = 0 the discriminant is 16, which is a perfect square and the equation can be written as (2x+1)*(2x+3) = 0 To that extent the above is correct. However, the equation can also be written, in factorised form, as (x+1/2)*(x+3/2) = 0 Not all integral coefficients.

Can 3 n squared plus 7 n plus 4 be factored?

Yes, it can. ANY equation of this form can be factored. The factors may not be integers or even real numbers, though.